Okay... Bleh

I'm totally mindless right now e-e I'm literally filled with so much HATE it's overwhelming.... Why? Well, I've tooken a huge grudge against Oreck, I'm starting to hate him. My mom is being a jerk, she's been doing negative things she hasn't told me, and i just absolutely HATE her! This morning, i went out to hug her and she asked me if i slept last night, and i said no. Then, she FREAKED. I ran back into my room, SOBBING. And now, tomorrow is the Open House for my school,(thankfully I'm going to the same one), and need to wake up at 9 am and get shot that i need to enter 7th grade.... The bad thing is, rather.die than get a shot, and i necessarily don't need the shot, because it's just for girls and boys who don't do what their supposed to and go some place with their GF/BF and.... I think you know.. And I'm not that kind of girl, but... Oh well. And plus, i don't think I'm gonna get school supplies cuz we don't really have the money... >:||| e-e
I have 944 followers on Pandora! And i have a new best friend. His name is Logan and he's 14!!! :D and yay, he's NOT hateable!!!:3