Lol sorry... I was just listening to (*squeaks*) 3 DAYS GRACE!!! (oh my god, my favorite!!!)
Okay, anyway, GUESS WHAT?! Remember that i said that i was having a small birth day party on the 4th?! Yeah, and i got an iPad!
f:id:Oreck:20130805193503j:plainI WALK THIS EMPTY STREET ON THE BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS lol sorry! Songs just keep passing by on Pandora - OH MY GOD PARAMORE!!!! ALL I WANTED WAS YYYYOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHHUUUUUU!!!!!! :| I'm really sorry.ANYWAY. i have 3 new oc`s!!! Twitchy-Ears, Meowkins, and Ibucki!!! If you want to see me drawing them, go to my YouTube!:3 Today i cryed because i just realized I'm not in my imageineary la la land running around in darkness with T.E and Meowkins... I was actually happy then a HORRORABLE pang of SADDNESS, no even worse, DEPPRESSING , SUICIDAL , feeling hit and surrounded me! >:( Like seriously! But this was in the morning and i started to sobb... And i hate to admit.. But i think I'm Bisexual... Y`know, when you like both genders!( i know, I'm a little too young to talk/know about that... But I'm also too young to understand, because I'm still not done growing. e-e