Sorry Guys , I'M INACTIVE!!!

Okay , as you guys have noticed , i have not been on here lately.>-< but that's because i have been drawing more , and i also have LOTS , AND LOTS , of things to do and i haven't even finished HALF of it. And i just checked my last blog , AND IT HAS RECEIVED SO MANY NICE AND HELPFUL COMMENTS!!!!!!!! Thank you all!!!*gives a nice cat hug* infact , i have been going to bed like at 4am because I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND I CAN'T DRAW THEM ALL ON PAPER!!! But here's some of the pictures i drew!
Snowfall , my oc in her little "emo depressing" moments she has
A VERY old oc , Scarpath. (BTW , she's in a vomit green dress XD)
My first and oldest oc , Moonscar! She gets REALLY angry at times , like in this picture.f:id:Oreck:20130703164426j:plain
And my cat... The Famous Oreck!!! Aggressively eating grass. That you can plant yourself. Like seriously , AGGRESSIVELY EATING THE PLANT.

and also , i want to get my drawings noticed , so I'm gonna post "how to draw" videos on YouTube! And my YouTube account is : oreckmilan ! And i am not going to post videos yet , because I NEED SUBSCRIBERS. And also , my camera battery is dead , so i need to buy a new battery. And i also need my laptop fixed because it had a virus. And when that happens , it might be in a few months so...
ANYWAY here's some "important events" that's happening in my personal life outside of hatena blog.:
July 4th) My mom`s birthday!(She turns 50 years old!!! YAY!